Our Environment

Our Environment

We believe that we owe it to future generations to safeguard our environment, both marine and on land. Our operations meet or exceed stringent environmental regulations in all the markets we operate in. Our ability to control our own supply chain helps us minimise our environmental footprint, reduce emissions and guard against pollution.

We always find ways to provide energy efficient products and solutions recognizing the significance of climate change. We set ourselves high environmental standards and we respect national laws and international standards.

  • We promote energy efficiency by encouraging energy-saving practices in our offices and facilities.
  • We have a issued a directive to our operations to ensure proper disposal and zero-spills and leaks of hazardous materials.
  • We cooperate with the efforts made by governments for global climate goals by safeguarding the environment while guaranteeing economic development.
  • We encourage practice conservation of water by finding ways to reuse and recycle wastewater.
  • As part of our GOGreen campaign, we promote zero-waste and reduce the use of plastics in our offices and facilities.